Professor Maajid Expands His Repetoire

Professor Maajid Expands His Repetoire

One thing for sure and two things for certain...martial arts is Life, for Prof. Maajid. He's constantly learning and working to expand his martial arts knowledge-base.

In September 2023, Prof. Maajid was awarded 8th degree Coral Belt in Traditional Japanese Jujitsu, under Prof. Leonard Holifield, leading exper in hand-to-hand combat and former US Army Chief Combatives Instructor.


On January 1st, 2024 Prof. Maajid was awarded a Black Belt in Judo, under 6th Degree Black Belt Dr. Rhadi Ferguson, 2004 Olympian and 4X Judo Champion.

Remember, keep training, keep learning...each one, teach one...Oss!!

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